Tower of Kallerain

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Part of the magical defences of Great Heldmar, the Tower of Kallerain lies a short distance North-West of the city itself.

Just prior to the beginning of outright war between Mantoni and Karantas the tower somehow became infested with demons and the current Knights of the Silver Cross were sent to investigate. The two powerful knights who made up the First Company at that time were defeated however and one was possessed by a demon.

The (then) Second Company was then dispatched to the scene and succeeded in cleansing the demons and defeating their possessed comrade.

During their struggles a demon named Loram escaped from within a magical staff held by Knight Lanaric Kael of the Noble Order of the Dark and temporarily possessed Lanaric. However this turned out to be quite fortuitous as Loram was considerably more helpful and likeable than his captor.

Much to everyone's disappointment Lanaric eventually recovered and Loram has not been seen since; although it has been occasionally hinted that he may still be keeping an eye on the KotSC in some fashion...