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The Yvha Mountains lie in the north of Varys' core-fragment, and mark the southern extreme of the Treyenar land of Yhntal. The range runs from East to West, perpendicular to the smaller Karita range that it meets at its most southern point. The point where the two ranges meet, about a third of the way along the Yvha, was once home to the mountain fastness of Vahkastus, although this stronghold has recently fallen to Chaos forces raiding from Carhadhaen. The Treyenar border-fortress of Marran'Yhn lies at the eastern edge of the Yvha range.

In addition to their great height and the extremes of cold often experienced in the range's few passes, the Yvha are noted as especially dangerous due to the presence of ice elementals in great numbers. These manifest spirits seem to have been touched by Chaos just as deeply as any mortal race and fight a never-ending war between constantly shifting factions - though they are swift to turn on any outsider nonetheless.