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One of the major continents of Teth, also known as the Crimson Isles. Treneth is a little further north than Amethgare and lies on directly the opposite side of Teth.

The continent is split into three large, roughly triangular land masses that meet at the very small, perfectly circular central island that houses the Citadel of the Trenkytis. Of the three sub-continents, the northern land (Nentreneth) seems the most habitable, while the two southern areas appear to be barren and hostile wastelands.

The only native population so far encountered on Treneth is that of the Tronkarr, who live in a number of small villages built around ancient temples deep in the jungle of Nentreneth. There is some evidence however that the Sulaim and Eldren may once have lived here also, alongside at least one unidentified race - possibly the Torathra.