Battle of the Farran Chain

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One of the many battles fought on Varys during the Seventh Age, the Battle of the Farran chain took place in the area now known as the Death Mark, and is often cited as the cause for that area's cursed nature.

Although typically described as a single titanic battle, the event could also be thought of as a series of overlapping but otherwise unconnected battles that occurred one after another over the course of several months or years (records from the period being extremely scarce and rarely in agreement with one another). The battle, or battles, occurred when when a number of different armies ventured across the Farran Chain one after another - each immediately joining the melee when it arrived and further muddying already confused battle lines. Whether all of these armies were necessarily invaders and which of them were allied or were enemies is almost entirely unclear, but most historians agree that forces of both Law and Chaos arrived from Farran, and met one or more armies local to the core-fragment of Varys.

Many (perhaps most) of the factions involved in the battle are lost to history, but the forces of the Golden Land were certainly involved, though few would consider it a noble campaign. Amongst the forces of Law present the Aestrani Warlocks were especially notorious for the destruction they brought down on friend and foe alike, a fact that certainly played a part in the subsequent disintegration of the greater Golden Land and the breakdown of the ancient alliance between the Sarrastian majority and the Aestrani cities to the north.