Temple of Mithrilanda
The Temple of Mithrilanda was built by the First Blademaster of Nentreneth at the request of Aesha Lehtranna. It is a small citadel, or huge fortified temple, which lies a short distance from Estenfells, which is itself a short way south-east of Tammenfells. This area is controlled by the Noble Order of the Dreaming Sword. The temple lies due west of the town itself, in thick forest along the top of a cliff-edge. The river valley below lies along the very southern edge of Mantoni, where it borders with Endon.
The temple seems to have grown almost organically from the forest floor, and is composed of a number of twisting towers and spires rising high above the forest canopy and in some cases jutting out of the cliff itself to overlook the valley below. The temple proper is a fairly labyrinthine affair buried underground that all the various towers connect to; it is unclear as yet how far these catacombs extend.
Around the base of the towers, and directly above the main temple, the Cult of Mithrilanda have constructed a fortified town with a massive surrounding wall. This complex is designed to support the main temple and provide accommodation for visiting priests or worshippers as well as the temple's resident priests and their families. It is fairly self-sufficient with a well and some limited agriculture both within the walls and in a series of walled gardens running down the cliff-side.
Many of the non-combatants from Estenfells have retreated within the temple grounds since it is much more defensible than the town itself. The Dreaming Sword have a large army in the area that are split between the town and the temple, and the Common Order of the Blood Sword also have a garrison force within the town.
In the early siege of Tammenfells several Karantian raiding parties attempted to ride east past Estenfells to begin harrying Mantonian positions deeper in the province but were cut off and destroyed by the Dreaming Sword forces. Since then Estenfells has come under direct attack several times by significant Karantian forces; they have so far been repelled, but at some cost. The temple itself has also been attacked but its heavy fortification in addition to its extremely magical nature led to a bloody defeat for the attackers.
Worship of Mithrilanda amongst both the Dreaming Sword and the Blood Sword is now rather prevalent.