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The Stone Flow is an area of Varys' core-fragment where the ground itself has been profoundly altered by the power of Chaos, causing rock and earth to flow as if liquid and in effect forming a giant river of stone that runs directly into the Heart of Chaos.

The effect of Chaos upon the ground in this area is far from constant, and conditions vary from fast-flowing 'rivers' to terrain more akin to swamps, lakes or islands. It is often difficult to tell solid ground in the Stone Flow from standing 'pools' of liquid stone, and land that is stable one day may begin to flow quickly the next, or vice versa. Under these circumstances it would not be unreasonable to assume that the area would be barren of all life, however this is far from the case and in fact the Stone Flow is home to a strange ecosystem all of its own - replete with floating plants and creatures that are as much at home swimming in stone as burrowing through it.

A number of small settlements persist within the Stone Flow, taking advantage of the dangerous and unpredictable terrain to hide themselves well away from any who might wish them harm. Perhaps the best known of these is the town of Drift, whose masters are said to combine powerful magics from the four principal elements in order to allow their town to float wherever is pleases in the Flow.