Talisman of Contact

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Ability Type: Spell, Difficulty 18
Provided By: Limited Telepathy

Spell Type: Astral, Telepathy
Form: Talisman, Astral Link
Function: Communication
Power Cost: Minimal
Duration: Maintainable
Notes: Physical, Resisted (any message sent)

This spell creates a talisman that is capable of telepathically transmitting its wearer's voice – either to everyone nearby, or to other such talismans over much longer range. Sending a message requires that the spell's Activation Cost be met, although receiving one does not. Anyone receiving an unwanted message, be it local or network, can resist the spell in order to remain undisturbed.

Talisman to talisman communication requires a connection to be established between two or more talismans – with this group referred to as a network. Two unconnected talismans that are touched together will form a new network, while an unconnected talisman that touches a connected one will immediately be added to the existing network. Any message sent to the network will be received by all the talismans in that network, provided they are within Network Range of the sender.

Local messages do not require the talisman to belong to a network, and reach everyone within Local Range of the sender – regardless of whether they have a talisman or not.

Durability: 6
Activation Power: Minimal to 3
Communication (Activation Effect): Voice, one-way (common language required)
Local Range (Activation Effect): 50m (Minimal), or 100m x Power
Network Range (Activation Effect): 200m (Minimal), or 400m x Power squared