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Naming-Tongue is a phrase used throughout much of Reshomme to describe a related set of pre-historic languages. The full scope of these languages, as well as any understanding of the culture that spawned them, is lost to time - but enough vocabulary is known to make them a useful source when coining new words - especially proper nouns. Many cultures name their nations, cities and even children using these half-remembered languages and rich families sometimes hire scholars to research names with especially auspicious meanings.

Although it is not uncommon to see references to 'the naming tongue' as though a single, monolithic language of this type existed, those with a greater understanding of the topic will normally differentiate between the many related tongues by indicating the approximate region in which this language was once dominant - for example Thalassian Naming-Tongue, or Karantian Naming-Tongue. About a dozen different naming-tongues are known to have once been used on Teth, and many more are recognised throughout the planes.