First Blademaster of Nentreneth

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An ancient and powerful Torathra spirit who existed for many years as a kind of guardian demi-god to the Tronkarr of Nentreneth. The Blademaster once owned the void-forged blade of fire Onostothorin which he gave to Lucian Albrecht after the Knights of the Silver Cross proved their worth in a series of trials.

As a favour to the Sorceress Aesha Lehtranna the Blademaster caused a temple devoted to Mithrilanda to grow from the ground near the town of Estenfells in Mantoni. In return he was granted sanctuary (is this right? where??), since he feared the power of the Trenkytis once his location had been revealed by the arrival of newcomers to his shrine.

The magical stone scabbard of Onostothorin allows Lucian to mentally contact the Blademaster.