Dark Mask

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Ability Type: Spell, Difficulty 18
Provided By: Advanced Dark Magic

Spell Type: Elemental, Darkness
Form: Contained, Vocal (Shock effect only)
Function: Utility, Defensive, Offensive
Power Cost: 1 to 6
Duration: Maintainable
Notes: Resisted (Shock effect only)

This spell creates a mask of darkness that conceals its caster's face and disguises his voice, making him intimidating and difficult to identify. In addition the mask grants improved night vision, makes him resistance to Shock and flash-blinding and allows him to inflict Shock with the sound of his voice. The caster may choose whether or not he wishes to inflict Shock each time he speaks and if he chooses to do so then anyone who hears his voice (except himself) is affected unless they successfully resist the spell.

Bonus to Social Skills: Acting to Avoid Being Identified: +2
Intimidation Bonus: +2
Nightvision Bonus: +4
Dazzling Resistance Bonus: +2 x Power
Shock Inflicted by Voice: 1/3 x Power (round up to the nearest whole point)
Shock Resistance: Power /2 (round down, subtracted from all instances of Shock suffered)