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1. What is your full name? If you have any titles, common nicknames or frequently-used alias then please list these also:

Benethyarr, the Dragon of Dark and Light.

2. What species are you? Please be as specific as possible (i.e. Kamarain Human, rather than just Human):


3. Do you have any living family? If so, name them:

Mithrilanda, Mother of Dragons.

4. When and where were you born?

In the Silver that flowed throughout the Great Conjunction, before the dawn of Reshomme. 5. Are you mortal or immortal?


6. Do you worship one or more deities regularly? If so, which one(s)?


7. Do you draw power from one or more deities? If so, which one(s) and to what extent?

No. 8. If you are capable of magic please indicate your approximate power level and rough area(s) or specialization:

Awesome +1. Adept at most forms of magic, but specialised in metamagic (magic that affects magic – i.e. enchanting and counterspells) and crafting of magical items.

9. List any factions that you owe significant allegiance to, and indicate your standing within them:

Cult of Blazing Shadows, Founder/Patron Demi-God/Mascot. Sisterhood of the Crimson Shard, Patron Demi-God (retired).

10. Are you in a committed relationship currently? If so, with whom? Describe how you feel about them:


11. Who would you consider to be your closest friend or confidant, and why?

Although I am friendly with various beings, both mortal and immortal, my only true confidant is Mithrilanda. This is simply because she is one of the few beings I know and like who is both older and wiser than I am. 12. Who are your most frequent companions, and how do you feel about them?

Aesha Lehtranna, a Kamathar Human sorceress who somehow absorbed the essence of the dying dragon Jhantalyth and became a dragon herself in the process. She’s a good kid, but a bit ditzy. Heart in the right place though. Bit of a fanatic, insanely loyal to those she trusts and always happy to fight for a just cause, but doesn’t seem to have much idea of what she really believes in personally. Typical Mantonian basically, but in the nice sense on the whole. She’s got a lot of growing up to do, and she’s going to find immortality tough until she does, but she’s a powerful and reliable ally.

Bade, a Kamarain Human wizard from Loran who died and became a demon and later managed to finagle his way back to the Core Plane where he possessed a common drake. Through some kind of bizarre magical circumstance which I’m not going to pretend to understand in any greater depth than “because Mithrilanda thought it was funny” he then began to change from demon/drake into a true dragon. As a result of all this rampant messing about, Bade is about as sane as a squirrel that’s been feasting on Stoffee Berries and twice as annoying, but I must reluctantly admit that it’s exactly the kind of background and attitude that qualifies him well for draconic life. Plus he’s already used to being immortal, or at least dead – which is similar. And he does seem to really care about Aesha, almost in an older-brotherly way (although with some disturbingly incestuous overtones, because Bade never just does anything simply). It may not be apparent from the above, but I do actually trust Bade – or at the very least I trust him to be loyal to Aesha.

13. What is your most important long-term goal, ambition or dream?

To someday see the great dreams of old born anew; so that mortal and dragon and god and all other things great and small might walk together at last in a world that is a wonder and a terror to all of them. 14. What circumstance is most likely to drive you to violence?

One of my allies finding themselves badly out of their depth. 15. What are your preferred battle tactics?

Arming others with wisdom and magic and sending them to do battle in my stead. But failing that, extreme physical violence whilst in my natural draconic shape, potentially accompanied by suppression of my foe’s magical abilities.

16. Do you own any objects that hold special significance for you? If so, please list them and say why they matter:

Not really, I tend to give things away rather than hoarding them. It’s less bother in the long run and saves on tidying up. 17. Please describe your most common styles of dress for travel, combat and socialising:

For combat: scales. For travel or socializing: eccentric outfits composed of leather pieces styled somewhat after armour and combined with a nice, big, swishy cloak or robe. All in black and white.